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Explore Aupresses resources

The Association, its members, and committees have created and continue to manage numerous tools, educational materials, programs, and studies. Explore this index to available resources through the site Search tool, the Resource Categories, and the tags you see on each item. 

Members will be able to access many items marked “Members Only” through UP Commons.  Can’t find an item that you are looking for? Contact AUPresses.

Project leaders Niccole Leilanionapae‘aina Coggins (University of Virginia Press), Gisela Fosado (Duke University Press); Jocelyn Dawson (Duke University Press), and Melanie Dolechek (Society for Scholarly Publishing) submitted a successful proposal to develop three Toolkits for Equity (for Allies (published August 2020), for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, and for organizations) to the 2019 Triangle Scholarly Communications Institute. Toolkits for Equity are hosted at the C4DISC website.
Also known as the "Week-in-Residence" this program offers mid-career members the opportunity for an intensive, hands-on residency at another member press of up to one week.

Мы продвигаем основную роль мирового сообщества издателей, чья миссия поддерживать высокое качество науки и развивать образование.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Russian