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Virtual Workshops

Pre-Meeting Virtual Events

The AUPresses Marketing, Journals, and Editorial, Design, and Production Committees are planning pre-Annual Meeting workshops. The events will be held virtually and with nominal registration fees. 

Journals Assembly: Circling Back: How are UPs Approaching Open Access Today?

Monday, May 16
11:00am-12:30pm ET

It has been several years since we addressed the subject of viable business models for Open Access publishing. This year’s journals assembly gathers a selection of leaders in the university press community to discuss their organizations’ approach to OA and how their journals programs have been shaped by forces including the looming pressures of Plan S, the global pandemic, and changing economies.

Moderated by Stacy Lavin, Senior Managing Editor, Duke University Press; and Julie Warheit, Journals Manager, Wayne State University Press

With panelists Erich Staib, Associate Journals Director, Duke University Press; Nick Lindsay, Director of Journals and Open Access, MIT Press; and Antonia Pop, Vice President, Journals, University of Toronto Press

This session was organized by the AUPresses Journals Committee.

Marketing Workshop: Framing Crisis Communications: Steps that Can Scale to Any Press’s Level

Wednesday, May 25
12:00–2:00 pm ET

University presses face frequent and often unique challenges, one of the foremost being how to formulate a response to a crisis, whether related to the publishing program, the press’s home institution, or societal issues that intersect with our respective missions. How do you define a crisis? Which situations warrant a response, and how should it be expressed? Where does AUPresses or a press’s respective university take the lead in crisis communication response and when (if at all) should the individual press follow? This workshop aims to give marketing professionals a handle on approaching crisis communications by providing simulated crisis response situations to be tackled in small breakout groups followed by response feedback from experienced professionals. Attendees will come away with practical ways to prepare for, think about, and respond to crisis situations that might present themselves, ranging from press-specific issues such as a damaged author image to higher level predicaments like press criticism on the national level.

Organized by Elise Jajuga, Michigan State University Press

With panelists Angela Baggetta, Publicist, Angela Baggetta Communications; Peter Berkery, Executive Director, Association of University Presses; and Chuck Tombarge, Chief Public Relations Officer, University of Minnesota

This session was organized by the AUPresses Marketing Committee

Editorial, Design, and Production Workshop: Integrating Accessibility into EDP Workflows

Tuesday, June 7
11:00am-2:00pm ET

Building on the April hangout on accessibility, the EDP Workshop on Integrating Accessibility into EDP Workflows will dig deeper into the logistics of creating accessible ebooks and integrating accessibility into your workflows. Short informal Q&A sessions on gathering and preparing material for accessible ebooks, creating accessible ebooks (in- and out-of-house), and navigating the various resources and certifications available to presses will each be followed by small breakout sessions. EDP staff who are just getting started with accessibility and those with more experience are all invited to participate.

Session 1: Gathering and preparing material for accessible ebooks
Speakers: Ana Jimenez-Moreno, Acquisitions Editor, Ohio State University Press; Clara Totten, Acquisitions Editor, Georgetown University Press
Session 2: Creating accessible ebooks: Tips for in-house ebook creation and out-of-house vendors
Speakers: Meagan Dyer, Production Editor, University of British Columbia Press; Katrina Petrik, Production Editor, University of British Columbia Press; Sara Thaxton, Book Production Coordinator, University of Arizona Press 
Session 3: Certification, end-user experience, and resources
Speakers: Steve Kuusisto, University Professor and Director of Interdisciplinary Programs and Outreach at the Burton Blatt Institute, Syracuse University; Deb Taylor, Head of Business Development and Marketing, Westchester Publishing; Jon McGlone, Digital Product Design Engineer and Accessibility Specialist, University of Michigan Libraries/Michigan Publishing

This session was organized by the AUPresses Editorial, Design, and Production Committee

Mae AUPresses yn hyrwyddo rôl hanfodol cymuned ar draws y byd o gyhoeddwyr sydd â chenhadaeth i sicrhau rhagoriaeth academaidd a meithrin gwybodaeth.

— AUPresses Mission Statement in Welsh