- Members Only
A 2016 snapshot of member presses' book content digitization progress, tools, and challenges.
- Categories: Data and Statistics
- Tags: Digital Publishing, Monographs
The Association, its members, and committees have created and continue to manage numerous tools, educational materials, programs, and studies. Explore this index to available resources through the site Search tool, the Resource Categories, and the tags you see on each item.
Members will be able to access many items marked “Members Only” through UP Commons. Can’t find an item that you are looking for? Contact AUPresses.
Author: Professional Development Committee
ننهض بالدور الأساسي للمجتمع العالمي من دور النشر التي تتمثّل مهمتها في ضمان التفوّق الأكاديمي وتنمية المعرفة.
— AUPresses Mission Statement in Arabic