Beginning in 2020, the Association of University Presses will present the Stand UP Award, to honor a person or group, not currently on staff at a member press, who, through their words and actions, has supported, defended, and celebrated the university press community and mission. They may have stood up for an imperiled press, built grass roots efforts to promote presses, or rallied others to the cause. Nominees, in some cases, may have worked behind the scenes to save a member of our community. There are so many unheralded advocates—the Stand UP Award seeks to recognize them.
The deadline for submissions is March 22nd.
Past award winners include Ned Stuckey-French, Shawn Wong, Tai Edwards and Farina King, and Margaret Renkl.
Nomination Process: Nominations include three pieces of information:
1. The Nominator’s information (you, dear reader)
2. The Nominee’s information (the person/organization you wish to honor)
3. The Seconder’s information (a person, preferably outside your press, that shares your opinion)
Please fill out the following PDF, and email the completed form to Trevor Nau ( by the deadline for consideration.