The AUPresses Global Partner Program aims to amplify the work of presses in the “Global South” and expand the knowledge base of the university press community worldwide.
We commit with renewed vigor to publishing the truth, however uncomfortable, to speaking facts to power, and to advancing knowledges that can help all of us to bring about justice and equity in this world.
AAUP joins in commending the US Treasury Department for amending the Syrian Sanctions Regulations to permit the publishing and marketing of works by Syrian authors.
AAUP joins effort to demand that the US Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control revise trade regulations that effectively prohibit American publishers from publishing Syrian authors.
Мы продвигаем основную роль мирового сообщества издателей, чья миссия поддерживать высокое качество науки и развивать образование.
— AUPresses Mission Statement in Russian
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